In terms of research and project activities, the Institute of Combustion Technology in Aeronautics and Astronautics focuses on the following goals:
1. Effective and environmentally friendly utilization of conventional and alternative fuels.
2. Enhancing reliability, particularly in ignition, extinction, and thermoacoustic oscillations during unsteady combustion.
3. Reduction of pollutants such as soot, nitrogen oxides, unburned hydrocarbons, and CO2 emissions.
4. Development and optimization of burner and combustion chamber systems.
To achieve these goals, we develop innovative research tools ranging from laser-based measurement techniques, machine learning-based methods to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These tools are applied across canonical to engineering systems.
As part of the research activities of our Emmy Noether Junior Research Group (DFG - Emmy Noether Programme), we advance the fundamental understanding of interactions between turbulent flow, reaction chemistry and multiple phases that govern the pollutant formation as well as fuel and load flexibility of combustion concepts (GEPRIS). The acquired understanding is of paramount importance for the development of cleaner, more sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies. Nearly emission-free operation becomes feasible when used in combination with carbon-neutral synthetic liquid fuels. To effectively minimize the climate impact of combustion applications, the reduction of non-CO2 effects (i.e. NOX and particulates) is equally important. For example, in the aviation sector non-CO2 effects exhibits twice the global warming potential that the emitted CO2 itself.
The insights gained will significantly support the development of fuel- and load-flexible combustion concepts, expand the scalability of liquid fuel-powered micro gas turbine systems, and enable close-to emission-free operation when used in combination with carbon-neutral liquid fuels.
As part of the priority program SPP 2419 (SPP 2419 - GEPRIS), we are working in cooperation with the Institute for Machine Tools at the University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Material Science and Technology at the TU Berlin on an interdisciplinary approach for a proof-of-concept for direct thermochemical conversion of ammonia in high-power density combustion applications with minimum NOX and NH3-slip. The development is facilitated by combining three key technologies: (i) additive manufacturing that enables the design of a (ii) high yield in situ NH3 reformer for subsequent combustion of H2 - enriched blends in an (iii) auto-ignition stabilized combustion process. In situ NH3 cracking to NH3-H2-N2 mixtures capitalizes on the advantageous combustion characteristics of H2 (i.e. extended lean flammability limits, strain resilience and load flexibility), offers targeted NOX minimization while circumventing the distribution related challenges of H2.
In cooperation with the Institute for Machine Tools at the University of Stuttgart, funded through the InnovationCampus Future Mobility (ICM) under a Bottom-Up grant, we are evaluating the feasibility of innovative injection concepts for liquid CO2-neutral fuels (e.g., Ammonia, SAF) that can be manufactured using additive manufacturing (PBF/LB-M).
Our goal is to develop a holistic optimization process that directly correlates the AM process parameters with the desired outcomes. The complete process, combining additive manufacturing, standardised experimental tests, and AI-driven optimization, defines a "hybrid twin" (analogous to digital twins), which can greatly accelerate the development of corresponding technologies. This innovative manufacturing process can thus increase reliability and significantly reduce production costs.
Information will follow shortly.
Information will follow shortly.
This link leads to an overview of the research topics of the DLR Institute of Combustion Technology.

Fabian Hampp
Dr.Junior Research Group Leader